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Blog Post by Admin

Curved Confidence

In 2016 the world’s most famous plus-sized model, Ashley Graham broke barriers when she featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Graham ...
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Having a professional shoot changed how I felt about me!

What is the true power of a lens? Could having a photoshoot really impact how you truly feel about yourself? Well, if you are Lucinda ...
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In her words - "Reclaiming Me

Rochelle McMahon did not want us to feature her story. She was happy just getting her shoot and enjoying her images. However, when she got ...
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Tattoo photo shoots - a new trend in ink, have you had yours?

With its origins dating back as far as 12,000 years, the tradition of tattooing has spread far and wide becoming a path of storytelling for ...
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Beyond fitting in: Building a portfolio that elevates.

Being a 20-year-old in 2019 isn’t the easiest task. Firstly, there is social media – love it or hate it – if you are a Generation Z ...
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5 things I realised after I lost my mum

Every May as Mother’s Day draws closer, I am catapulted into a world of introspection. Having lost my mother when I was 20 years old in an ...
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7 ways to maintain your body transformation

So, you have done the hard yards. You have reached your goal and now look into the mirror (hopefully) with pride. You FEEL awesome, your ...
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Being Fifty & Fabulous!

What do you do to celebrate you on the one day of the year that is, well, all about you? Birthdays are a funny thing. Some people love them ...
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Celebrating the journey – because you are worth it now.

So often in life when we are focused on achieving a goal, something that we feel will change our lives, we have tunnel vision to the ...
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7 ways to celebrate your pets this Christmas (& every other day)

Pets. They are like humans but way better! No matter whether you are a cat, dog, horse, fish, bird or even a goat kinda person, it goes ...
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Professional photos: because selfies won’t cut it for your business!

In the online world photos matter. In the business world, professionalism matters. In the everyday world being real and authentic matters. ...
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Milestone Memories

All of our clients have a particular reason they have chosen to do a shoot. Whether it be a birthday present to themselves, a decision to ...
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