The Studio Republic Look Book

Being Fifty & Fabulous! | Studio Republic Photography | Fashion, Pinup, Styling

Written by Admin | Jun 17, 2023 1:23:02 AM

What do you do to celebrate you on the one day of the year that is, well, all about you?

Birthdays are a funny thing. Some people love them – they love them so much that they spend an entire week or even month celebrating themselves. And then others don’t love them quite so much, especially after a few decades.

At Studio Republic we love Birthdays. We love celebration. And we love seeing people celebrate themselves on their birthdays!

Kim Wilcox was one of our recent clients who chose to celebrate a very special birthday with us, and her own here-I-am shoot celebrating becoming 50 and fabulous!

With a spur-of-the-moment decision, Kim decided that it was time stop hiding from the camera (she has always been more of a take-the-photo, don’t-be-in-it kind) and celebrate herself in front of the camera as a surprise for her husband and kids.

Kim, came to the studio nervous and apprehensive, she admits that she was quite emotional before the shoot, however, thanks to the SR team as soon as she was getting ready to get in front of the camera, she felt completely at ease.

I feel like a million dollars!

When asked what the most surprising moment of her shoot was, Kim confidently exclaimed, with a touch of residual astonishment, “doing a semi-naked shot!”

Just like Kim, many women find that what they think their shoot will be like and what transpires are worlds apart. Before every shoot, the SR team have a simple intention to support the client to embrace and expose their boldest, most confident self.

For Kim turning 50 was just the reason she needed to take a moment to share herself. This experience she says has contributed to her feeling comfortable in her own skin, it has helped her feel happier and is excited to share her images with her family.

We share stories with you like Kim’s because we know that investing in you is a big decision. It is scary. There can be fear of judgement, because, you know, what would people think? And then there can be that little voice that tells you, that you are not enough, or it is not worth it.

Whether it is your birthday or just a Tuesday, having a shoot of your own is always a great investment, because it is you choosing to celebrate yourself. And celebrations of you are always a good decision!

So we invite you to celebrate you on your next birthday, or any day of the week that feels good for you and we promise that if you give us 3 hours we will give you an experience just like Kim had that as she said will leave you feeling like “a million dollars!”


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