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AdminJun 17, 2023 11:23:02 AM2 min read

Celebrating Freedom

At 54 years young Claire Johnston is ready to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight. She is a fierce and confident woman, who knows that this life is what you make of it. And sometimes getting outside of your comfort zone, or in Claire’s case having a sexy boudoir photo shoot, is the best way to celebrate your freedom!

Feeling confident in the ability of the Studio Republic team, Claire boldly arrived on the day of her shoot ready to bare it all,

“I am here to step out of my (and probably many other’s) comfort zone, not many people would opt to have a sexy, boudoir shoot. Being 54 I am starting to age, and I decided it is time to capture how good I look before it changes. This is my celebrating my freedom.”

Claire is right, she does look good and years younger than her actual age. Like with most clients, Claire was looking for a way to mark her own decision to take control of her life and start living for herself first. From the first interaction, she oozed with confidence and was ready to have some fun.

For me this represents CONFIDENCE

“I just loved the creativity of the team. I cannot believe how easy it was and how quickly the time passed. I had complete trust in the team – their communication leading up to the shoot was exemplary, they answered every question I had and guided me to find the right shoot style for me.”

Having battled with years of self-doubt and the nagging ‘I’m not pretty enough” soundtrack on replay, Claire decided that her shoot was a declaration of being enough. Sharing how after the breakdown of her relationship two years ago began a long journey to self-love, Claire realises now that there is no such thing as pretty enough as she reminds us “beauty comes from within.”

Claire came to Studio Republic to celebrate her journey back to herself. Giving her the space to explore and play with different styles, it was not long before Claire embraced her most bold, sexy side. And at that moment stripped bare, at 54 years young, we had the pleasure of capturing her beauty within.

At the end of the shoot when we showed Claire her images, we asked what they represent to her, and smiling she replied “confidence.”


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